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The Food Industry Now Benefits from Med Tech Discovery

LPS Industries
Vapor-Loc: VaporFlex resealable pouch
Vapor-Loc: VaporFlex resealable pouch

Earlier this summer, LPS Industries exhibited its VaporFlex product line at the Hellenic Food Expo, held in Old Bridge, NJ, organized by Hermes Expo. The tradeshow and networking event featured many exhibitors serving the food industry, especially in the Greek food business.


The LPS team, led by VP Paul Harencak, explained to those attending the expo that VaporFlex products offer ultra-high resistance to moisture and oxygen contamination of the pouches' contents. This means the contents have a longer shelf life and stay fresh much longer. VaporFlex is used in various sectors, including pet foods, medical technology, and agriculture.


flexible packaging sales and solutions experts
LPS sales and solutions team


The Vaporflex technology can also benefit the food industry. Harencak said, “The product can improve the bottom line of prepared and frozen foods. Its high resistance to oxygen or moisture contamination means less spoilage, which means less waste. Moreover, by preserving the freshness of the product longer, VaporFlex can create a 'freshness' premium – people are willing to pay a little more if they know the product is fresher.”


For more information about VaporFlex, please visit

VaporFlex stand up food pouch packaging
VaporFlex stand up pouches

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