Our paint can shippers are approved, certified and in full compliance with requirements of 49 CFR (HM 181), IATA/ICAO IMDG, and UPS approved. Paint can shippers are available in one-, two-, or four-pack sets, quart or gallon size. Learn more about the various hazardous material packing & shipping supplies that LPS Industries offers today.
Each set requires either can clips or locking rings.* The outer corrugated cartons bear D.O.T. and UN specification codes.
Single-Pack Set: 2 EPS foam caps, D.O.T./UN carton
Two-Pack Set: 4 EPS foam caps, D.O.T./UN carton
Four-Pack Set: 8 EPS foam caps, D.O.T./UN carton
Can Clips: Required for ground, rail and sea shipments of restricted articles and air shipments of regulated solids. Not for international air service. Each quart can requires four can clips; each gallon can requires six.
Locking Rings: Required for all air shipments of regulated liquids and can be used with all modes of transportation. One ring must be used with every quart or gallon can.
LPS provides the exact primary container tested in the pack and authorized for use.
* Locking Rings, Clips and Cans sold separately.